Blacksmithing Class Basic Information
Students must be 18 years of age
Our Blacksmithing classes will introduce the student to the fascinating world of working hot metal to create useful and beautiful objects for themselves. The first class, the "Introduction to Blacksmithing" is required by all -- however it covers different material depending on a student's level of experience. For both levels it reviews safety procedures, risks and shop rules and policies. For the beginner, it provides a look at history of the craft while starting with the basics. We begin with hammer control and how to safely handle incandescent metal. We provide tips on proper stance, proper and efficient swing, and safety in moving around a working shop while the student is learning tapering and drawing out of metal.
The student will also learn bending, twisting, cutting, punching and quenching of metal while completing two projects to take home.
We have both coal and gas forges that we use in teaching and students learn about the benefits, limitations and safety concerns for each.
After the Intro course, Level 1 classes provide a fun way to expand skills and knowledge and
that opens the way to Level 2 classes
Previous Experience
For the student with experience, the 'Introduction' class again reviews the safety concerns and policies of the shop and forge but then progresses into a get-to-know-you assessment that builds on prior experience and knowledge. Students with more skills can take on more complicated projects and get tips and hands-on experience with more advanced techniques for moving and shaping metal.
After the Introduction class, the student can take Level 1 and/or Level 2 classes where we advance into developing more skills in moving and shaping metal. There are also classes covering a range of interests as well as advanced classes for those with sufficient skills.